Training Support
A skilled and trained workforce is vital to ensuring mission success at any organization. ASR's Training Support services leverage ASR's over three decades of experience providing a wide range of Management, Technical, and Professional support services to Government and Commercial customers in a wide range of industries. ASR's Training Subject Matter Experts, our proven processes and experience, and ASR's proprietary web platform for training delivery, ASR Training and Orientation Portal (TOP) assist our customers in cost effectively developing, delivering, assessing, and improving the training and skills of their global workforces.
ASR provides a wide range of specialized training and technical support services to the Department of the Navy (DON) with the goal of assisting the Navy in enhancing warfighting readiness, superiority, and tactical proficiency of Navy forces.

Training Support
ASR has extensive experience in global workforce training, and ASR professionals and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are available to support your organization's training resources and programs with a wide range of training support services as well as state of the art web-based Training and Orientation Portal (TOP) for delivery of training.
ASR's Training Support services include:
- Curriculum / training material review and development
- Periodic refresher training
- Training updates / revisions
- Classroom / on-site training
- Web based / online training
- Testing, online testing
- Training records management
ASR trainers can provide training on a wide variety of subjects and topics, including:
- Quality Management Systems, Quality Assurance and Quality Control, Corrective and Preventative Actions
- Supply Chain Management
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity
- Auditing, Surveillance, Regulatory Compliance, Inspection Systems and Procedures
- Standards and Codes, Specifications, Guidelines - Commercial (API, ANSI, ISO, etc.) and Government (DoD, DoT, OSHA, etc.)
- Requirements Gathering
- Procurement / Purchase Order Verification Systems and Procedures
- Calibration Systems, Measurement, and Test Procedures
- Maintenance and Reliability Improvement
- Performance Monitoring and Optimization, Data Collection and Analysis
- HSE - Compliance, Awareness, Audit, Verification, Inspection
- Safety and Security
- Business and Workplace Interaction
Warfare Tactics and Training Support
ASR provides a range of technical and training expertise and support services to the Department of the Navy (DON) with the goal of assisting the Navy in enhancing warfighting readiness, superiority, and tactical proficiency of Navy forces. ASR's Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) provide technical expertise to the Navy in areas including evaluation of fleet readiness, assessment of warfighting capability, development and review of operational and tactical doctrine / publications, Warfare Training Instructor (WTI) training and assessment support, and operational support.

Training Curriculum Development and Management
ASR professionals provide support for training curriculum analysis and gap analysis in warfare areas including Anti-Submarine/Anti-Surface Warfare (ASW/SUW), as well as development and review of related tactical publications including Tactical Memorandum, Tactical Bulletins, and Fleet Advisory Messages. ASR professionals perform business and data case analysis of Fleet Wholeness trends and projections. SR professionals provide a range of technical assessment and analysis support of current program and organizational capabilities, including business case, program/project analysis, cost/benefit, impact analysis and make recommendations for improvements to planning, policies, and procedures, to meet fleet wholeness and readiness objectives.
Tactical Publication Support
ASR Tactical Publication specialists track and execute publication projects from conception to final approval and distribution, researching and organizing information from various naval sources, and interfacing with various Navy commands and divisions to develop and review tactical publications, and update training / knowledge management portals including SharePoint. They are experienced in review, development, and updating of a range of tactical publications including Naval Warfare Publications (NWPs), Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (NTTPs), Navy Tactical Reference Publications (NTRPs), Tactical Memoranda (TACMEMO), Tactical Bulletins (TACBUL) and Fleet Advisory Messages (FAMs).
Requirements Analysis
ASR SMEs and professionals provide a range of support for analysis of fleet performance and wholeness trends, projects, and operational requirents documents including Fleet Concepts of Operation (CONOPS). They identify risks, operational requirements, perform cost/benefit analysis, and provide analytical and technical recommendations for improvements to meet fleet wholeness and readiness objectives, as well as supporting the development of Program Office Memorandum (POM) requirements documents. ASR professionals also assess fleet training requirements to improve the instruction of advanced warfare tactics in a range of environments.
Warfare Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Analysis and Development
ASR professionals provide support for analysis, research, development, and teaching of fleet warfare Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP), tactical doctrine, and publications in a range of domains including Anti-Submarine/Anti-Surface Warfare (ASW/SUW). ASR SMEs include experienced technical writers and professionals with Warfare Tactics Instructor (WTI) or naval aviation officer experience. ASR professionals and SMEs provide expertise and feedback to the Navy Fleet Experimentation (FLEX) program in order to test new technologies, conduct risk reduction measures, and refine or validate Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (NTTP).
Surface Warfare Combat Training Development
ASR warfare training SMEs and professionals provide expertise and support for development of training strategies, programs, procedures, and systems within the Surface Warfare Combat Training Continuum (SWCTC) in both classroom and shipboard environments, utilizing a range of instruction methods, with the goal of increasing warfighting readiness and ability across all surface warfare areas. ASR SMEs develop and recommend training and simulator strategies and scenarios to increase tactical competence, and develop assessment methods to assess trainee performance and competency.
Training and Simulation Systems Analysis and Instruction
ASR professionals provide subject matter expertise in the development, maintenance, performance, and improvement of a range of fleet warfare training tools/systems, simulator programs, and warfare scenarios including Target Motion Analysis, Multi-Mission Team Trainer (MMTT), CIAT, and SQQ-89 A(V) 15 simulator systems. ASR professionals provide support for course curriculum development, review, and delivery of instruction to ASW/SUW Warfare Tactics Instructors and officers in classroom, shipboard, lab, and staff environments in advanced warfare tactics in Anti-Submarine/Anti-Surface Warfare (ASW/SUW) as well as in the operation and troubleshooting of training and simulator systems.
Training Program Support
ASR professionals provide a range of technical assessment and analysis support of current program and organizational capabilities, including business case, program/project analysis, cost/benefit, impact analysis and make recommendations for improvements to planning, policies, and procedures, to meet fleet wholeness and readiness objectives. ASR professionals and SMEs develop, process, and maintain databases, systems, documents, and records to support alignment with training programs including WTI and Continuous Professional Development programs.
Exercise Support
ASR SMEs and professionals provide support for exercise planning, development, scheduling, execution, and after-action reporting and analysis for fleet exercises including Global Mine Warfare (MIW) and General/Flag Officer-level exercises. ASR professionals provide recommendations on exercise objectives, development of exercise scenarios, and architecture and support for exercise infrastructure including tactical data links.

ASR Training and Orientation Portal
ASR Training and Orientation Portal (TOP) is ASR's proprietary and innovative web-based platform for training delivery and knowledge management. ASR TOP is a centralized training platform in the Cloud, developed, deployed, and continually improved by ASR's corporate technology team to support ASR and ASR customer training requirements.
Benefits and value-added features of ASR TOP include:
- Utilizes latest web and cloud technologies for effective training of a global workforce
- Allows trainees to login anywhere in the world, from their PC, laptop, or tablet
- Customized to each trainee, automatically tracks and displays progress in each course and associated metrics, training records
- Supports a variety of training mediums/materials, including document-based (PDF, PPT), text, video, audio
- Supports built-in trainee testing/assessment and progress / performance tracking
- Large, continually expanding collection of training material available, developed by qualified personnel in their fields of expertise, in areas such as: Finance, Supply Chain Quality Management, QA/QC, Safety, IT, Cybersecurity, Workplace Interaction