Integrated Logistics Support / Integrated Product Support
Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) is an integrated and iterative, multi-functional, technical management discipline associated with the acquisition and/or design or design alteration of materiel (systems and/or equipment), its development, testing, production, fielding, performance, and lifecycle sustainment. ILS has evolved to Integrated Product Support (IPS). ASR embraces this evolution and provides global support services which include all twelve (12) IPS elements. The IPS strategy optimizes functional support, leverages existing resources, and guides the system engineering process to quantify and lower lifecycle costs (LCC) and decrease the logistics footprint of materiel.
ASR's Global IPS services provide our Government and commercial clients with “cradle to grave” lifecycle support for the acquisition and/or development of materiel. Our IPS services are available across the 50 US States and in over 40 countries. Our focus on the IPS strategy allows us to optimize functional support, leverage existing resources, and guide the system engineering process to quantify and lower LCC, and decrease the logistics footprint of materiel.
Elements of Integrated Product Support
The twelve (12) elements of IPS are segregated into three (3) categories with four (4) elements in each, as follows:
Category 1 - Life Cycle Sustainment Management
- 1 Product Support Management - development and implementation of support strategies to ensure product supportability is considered throughout its life cycle; accomplished by balancing the performance outcomes of reliability, availability, maintainability, and reduced total ownership costs.
- 2 Supply Support - actions, procedures and techniques necessary to acquire, catalog, receive, store, transfer, issue and dispose of spares, repair parts, and supplies; includes provisioning for initial support, as well as acquiring, distributing, and replenishing inventories.
- 3 Packaging, Handling, Storage, & Transportation - the combination of resources, processes, procedures, design, considerations, and methods to ensure that all system, equipment, and support items are preserved, packaged, handled, and transported properly, including environmental considerations, equipment preservation for the short and long storage, and transportability.
- 4 Maintenance Planning & Management - developing, implementing and managing the maintenance requirements, concept, and detailed procedures for a system; includes personnel who performs the required maintenance tasks and location where tasks will be accomplished; also includes identifying all the resources and funding needed to develop and implement the maintenance plan.
Category 2 - Technical Management
- 1 Design Interface - integration of the quantitative design characteristics of systems engineering (reliability, maintainability, etc.) with the functional logistics/integrated product support elements, reflecting the driving relationship of system design parameters to product support resource requirements; design parameters are expressed in operational terms rather than as inherent values and specifically relate to system requirements; thus, product support requirements are derived to ensure the system meets its availability goals and design costs, and that support costs are effectively balanced.
- 2 Sustaining Engineering - identification, review, assessment, and resolution of deficiencies throughout a system's life cycle; returns a system to its baselined configuration and capability, and identifies opportunities for performance and capability enhancement; includes the measurement, identification and verification of system technical and supportability deficiencies, associated root cause analyses, evaluation of the potential for deficiency correction, and the development of a range of corrective action options.
- 3 Technical Data - recorded information of a scientific or technical nature regardless of form or character necessary to acquire, operate or support the system; consists of equipment technical manuals, engineering drawings, engineering data, specifications, standards and Data Item Descriptions (DID); may also include product, financial and program management data.
- 4 Computer Resources - information technology resources and infrastructure required to operate and support mission critical systems to include manpower, personnel, hardware, software, and documentation such as licenses and services.
Category 3 - Infrastructure Management
- 1 Facilities & Infrastructure - the permanent and semi-permanent real property assets and infrastructure required to support a system; includes studies to define types of facilities and infrastructure, facility and infrastructure improvements, location, space needs, environmental and security requirements, and equipment; also includes facilities and infrastructure for training, equipment storage, maintenance, supply storage, etc.
- 2 Manpower & Personnel - identification and acquisition of personnel (military and civilian) with the skills and grades required to operate, maintain and support systems over their lifetime.
- 3 Support Equipment - equipment (mobile or fixed) that is not inherently part of the primary system but is required to support the operation and maintenance of the system; includes but is not limited to associated multiuse end items, ground handling and maintenance equipment, tools metrology and calibration equipment, manual/automatic test equipment; also includes the support for the support equipment itself.
- 4 Training & Training Support - policy, processes, procedures, techniques, Training Aids Devices, Simulators and Simulations (TADSS), planning and provisioning for the training including equipment used to train civilian and military personnel to acquire, operate, maintain, and support a system; includes New Equipment Training (NET), institutional, sustainment training and Displaced Equipment Training (DET) for the individual, crew, unit, collective, and maintenance through initial, formal, informal, on the job training (OJT), and sustainment proficiency training.
Acquisition Logistics Support
Applying IPS strategy to new acquisition/construction of materiel affords the opportunity to maximize the beneficial impact of the IPS elements on the materiel not only during the acquisition phase but throughout its operational life cycle.
ASR has experience/ expertise in performing logistics support at various stages of the acquisition process. ASR uses the Defense Acquisition Framework (DAF) depicted below as a guide for managing system acquisition programs.

- The Acquisition Logistics Planning Process includes a review of system capabilities and analysis of existing system Reliability, Maintainability and Supportability (RMS) issues and concerns. The primary sources for RMS information are from logistics system feedback reports and/or from the maintenance history. Data Analysis identifies issues and/or opportunities that impact RMS and LCC.
- Input from the analysis is used to define the support strategy and maintenance concept. Support strategy identifies the program approach to meet life-cycle logistics (LCL) objectives. The maintenance concept defines in broad terms how the system will be maintained to meet threshold availability objectives. The support strategy and maintenance concept form the foundation of the product support development process.
- The next step in the acquisition logistics planning process is to perform market surveys to determine if current design trends address RMS issues, further refine the RMS issues, and identify the RMS market trends to focus on. Based on the analysis conducted, the support strategy is refined to shortlist the cost-effective support alternative for the system and its maintenance concept.
- Finally, RMS objectives are documented in capabilities and contractual documents. This is done to ensure LCL objectives are adequately described and captured to be translated into real requirements that support the system acquisition/ source selection. The ILS elements that will comprise the Product Support Package (PSP) are also documented during this stage.